Fear of homosexuals, usually found in guys. Truthfully makes no sense, considering lesbians are homosexuals. Can we say "double standard"?
Homophobic Guy:John is such a fag. Lets
go beat him up!
2nd Homophobic Guy: Nah man, lets go
ask Jane and her gilrfirend to let
us watch them have sex!I love
by loser December 30, 2004
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Jumping on a chair and screaming when you see a gay.

Oh, you thought I meant "homophobic", as in being an asshole.

Because "phobia" means scared, so you're homophobics are scared of gays.

So really, the people who hate gays and call them names are assholes.
person 1: Hey look, there's Chris.

person 2: *screams, jumps on a chair and whacks Chris with a broom"

person 1: What the hell?

person 2: what? He's gay! Help me!

person 1: Dude you're just homophobic.
by emo-alpacas-FTW July 18, 2012
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Someone who still believes in the Obama / Clinton pre-2012 election position on gay marriage.
A conservative. A believer in "traditional values" and heterosexuality as being biologically normal.
Mike: I just think that male with female is basic biology, and that the anus was not designed to be a sex organ. Marriage should remain as it has been for thousands of years and in almost all religions and cultures.
Bruce: You homophobic, intolerant, teabagger, Christian scum! People like you should be wiped off the Earth! Die, you Racistsexist homophobe!
by Caprico July 4, 2013
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A term for people who believe that lgbt relationships are immoral and commonly misused by annoying, liberal, snowflakes because they can't grasp the idea that some people have different opinions about what is right and wrong. In reality, no one cares who they like as long they are not told that they are a "hater" or "uneducated" and that everyone should think what they think.
"OMG, like, that guy over there is, like, such a homophobe."
"Why do you say that?"
"Because, like, I asked him out and, like, he said "dude, I'm not gay." so, I was like, "but you could be." and then he was like, "no, it's wrong." Can you, like, believe the nerve of some people?
"OMG.. such a homophobe."
by qazplwsxokmedcijn123890 June 2, 2017
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n. A person who holds a dislike for homosexuals, simply because of their sexual orientation. This usually springs from their own ignorance and narrow-mindedness, for most of the time they don't even know the homosexual and determine to hate them just because of their sexuality.

Homophobic Person: OI! YOU! FUCKING DIRTY QUEER!
Gay Man, who had been minding his own business: O_O oookay, just another homophobe.
by DannyJames06 April 17, 2006
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An idiot who does not respect other peoples wishes (in other words, a person afraid of Homosexuals)who loves to prance aroung the site insulting other peoples sexual orientation. No offense to religious people but they tend to show signs of hmophobia more often than not. People who are Homophobes will also often discriminate on the basis of gender, religion, social status, heritage, nationality, race and political views.
President George W. Bush is a homophobe because he is convinced that homosexuality is bad.
by Singer February 10, 2005
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Jay Savage is a giant homophob and I heard he has the syphilis
by Moodie Boi February 4, 2020
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