when you searched for your definiton but don't find it so you look in your profile to find nothing but "We don't have any currently published definitions associated with your email address."
We don't have any currently published definitions associated with your email address.
by retarded black monkey October 9, 2023
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The phrase you say when your man does or says some dumb shit. Also used to express superiority.

(don't try to explain yourself after someone replies because you will look like a retard, just reply with 'ok' or 'bruh')
Guy 1: "Big chungus isnt funny"

Guy 2: "did you just violate 72 laws proper to the court of king demetrius demarcus bartholomew james III jr of saint kitts and nevis's governmental association?"
by mentally challenged ladder February 1, 2021
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A polite and kindful way of saying that somebody is a f*** buddy.
Kimberly and Jonathan were friends with benefits AKA screw associates during work hours
by Vikkie Bargo December 7, 2020
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"Why are the RA residents association spending all of our money on pointless things??"

by Detroit789 May 21, 2009
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Someone who takes to social media to talk about a subject they know nothing about and suggest that they know someone in their family that's affiliated with that topic,which means they are as educated and knowledgeable as the person just by association. Women tend to do this when they marry someone. "My Husband is a Doctor, I know what I',m talking about"
My Brother is a Plumber. That makes me an expert. EBAS - Expert by Association Syndrome
by Nevadarhodes May 4, 2019
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word association is a family game that you play and someone will start of with a word for example chair and you would say a word to go with chair such as table. you can think out the box but not repeat the word or say more than on word at a time.
i was playing word association today its a great game
by ok4728828 January 18, 2019
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A group of caucasian mother, generally Jewish but not always. Who is overtly involved in there childs social, academic and personal life. So much so they find pleasure in involving themselves in other people's kids lives. There favorite pastime is gossiping, PTA meetings are there soul purpose for living and there childs batmitzvah is the peak of there life, from there it goes down hill, once there child joins BBYO and starts fucking an NJB. Never trust a member and don't become to close because they probably have shit on you that there ready to expose.
"Dude one of the moms from the White Mom Association of America, snitched on me last night for juuling"
by Brittany Bernstein May 29, 2018
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