the word "arch" in this sentence refers to a linux distribution called arch linux.
arch users are known to be very toxic, will make fun of people using other operating systems such as Windows by saying something like "imagine using windows lmao"

most arch linux users will spam "i use arch btw" on every corner of the internet to make people know that they are "cool", arch linux users LOVE open-source stuff, they drink open-source liquid for food.
hey i use arch btw
btw i use arch
im using arch btw
by jewwwkiller October 29, 2023
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A 12-Step Adolescent Rehab in the middle of fuck nowhere Tennessee where there is no weed, phones, or tiddies. All you can do is lie to staff and say you have had a “spiritual awakening”.
Person 1: “Hey your an Arch Academy alumni!”
Person 2: “Ya that shit sucked fr
by Soopersnooper October 6, 2022
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The highest of all simps. The best of the worst. A way to suggest someone is climbing out of an undesirable position while still being acknowledging they are not quite out of the life.
"I heard they was a simp"
"Yeah well they're more like an arch simp now, at least they're trying"
by 0db April 2, 2021
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Oct. 7, National Post Your Arch Pic Day. Post your arch pic and let them niggas know wassup!!
by PumpkinSlater21 October 7, 2023
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Arch Biznitch is when the leader of a group of people or the head of a clique,crew ,block,set,pad,ect.

is referred to as the Arch Biznitch
man" fuh dah bih man , " she smashed out with dem foos and she over there banging the arch biznitch and his crew .
by foolish reyes March 3, 2018
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a person named fastcarmonkey and has no friends
by RoomiestSleet August 7, 2021
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