Masturbating. Named for Jeffrey Toobin, a New Yorker writer suspended in 2020 for masturbating during an online staff meeting, unaware that his laptop camera was turned on.
I caught my husband looking at porn pix and toobin'.
by Lorenzo Coffin November 11, 2020
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Verb; Performing an "intimate act of self gratification"/ "Jerkin' off"/ "Batin'"/ "Wackin' it", specifically over a Zoom call with co-workers and colleagues. Based off of Jeffrey Toobin, douchebag journalist for The New Yorker.
"How did your Zoom meeting go, Honey?" "It was great, babe. I was Toobin' the entire time and nobody noticed, it's all in the forearm."
by ADleeCsrsiisoantis October 22, 2020
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I don't think Richie knew his camera was on whole he was Toobin.
by October 20, 2020
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An excruciatingly embarrassing social media error of a sexual nature
Jerry did a toobin and his friends shunned him
by Calvin O’Neil October 20, 2020
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Ending your Career While Whipping it out for the Zoom Call to See
Toobin is a pandemic Reubens but on a Zoom Call and not in a movie theatre;
Instead of having a snickers to relieve hunger, Jeffrey pulled a Toobin.
by KennethBone October 20, 2020
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