Beautiful Asian girl, with a unique personality. If you meet a Tong, you're so lucky. They put always their friendship first. She's called too the rainbow of your day because no matter where you are, if she is, it would be a good day. Definitely like a surprise box, she can always surprise you. Shy at outside but very sexy in the inside.
-Oh, my friend is so Tong!
by You're daily dictionary November 21, 2021
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by YEETUS El Goat August 25, 2022
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Tong is a gold chain or heavy gold jewellery that you wear on your neck. Word is commonly used in North London areas.
Wow you see Sweetmatecol Tong, its fat and heavy.
by Sweetmatecol January 12, 2020
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Mid Western slang heavily used in North Western PA, & North East Ohio during the 1960's, and 70's for "flat sandal thong toed flip flops," or inexpensive plastic/rubber shower shoes of that time period,
Don't forget to grab your" tongs," kids, we might go to the beach
by Swago-soul February 12, 2020
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The hottest man alive, can put any woman (and man) to bed. Loves gay chameleon midgets farting in each others faces while eating dog shit. His balls are as strong as the rocks head (also has blue balls).
Chick 1: have you seen thai tong, he said he would shit on my face tonight.
Chick 2: IKR, he can put any woman to bed like a hot daddy.
Dude 1: And men???
Chick 2: shut up justin suck my dick.
Dude 1: wait WHAT THE FUCK ?!?!?
Chick 2:*shows justin her dick*
Dude 1: nice cock nigga
by phoenix is a simp October 19, 2021
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When two males use their penises in a pincher-type fashion to lift objects.
Unwilling to touch the dirty panties with their clean hands, Derek and Tuan used their "meat tongs" to lift them off the bed and toss them aside.
by Rev BigE March 20, 2017
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