The definition, "Big Gay" is commonly used by 11-12 year old children who are in middle school and want to become a "Cool Kid" by swearing. They don't swear around their parents because apparently they don't want to get into trouble.

If you are even insulted by a middle schooler, Please, Refrain from that .357 and look on the bright side, He's just a kid, Nothing more.
"Wow this hacker is being a big gay right now, Im-a report him!"
by nicejoke June 19, 2018
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your big gay
"damm that girl ella, shes fucking gay."
"youre right. shes big gay"
by youre big gay January 14, 2019
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Big Gay/big gā/
1. A virus where one exibits ultra instinct levels of concupiscent behavior for any being in existence.

RTM (rapid tongue movement)
"Diesel Patches has the big gay."

"I cannot believe my teacher gave me extra math homework. She's the big gay!"
by Lil No U January 11, 2021
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when someone is really gay or does something really gay. ex fucks a man without no homo
"hey man-" person 1
"fuck you bitch you did a big gay" person 2
"what" person 1

"you had a gay orgy and didn't say no homo
by bigdickdaddycreampie April 5, 2022
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something that is gayer than gay so its Big Gay
Billy:Screw Jacksepticeye he keeps killing me

Me:Screw u Billy u r Big Gay


Me:The Irish have won again bitch

R.I.P. Billy (The Bitch) 2010 - 2020
Cause of death BIG GAY
by Womenrespecter April 27, 2020
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