Protecters of FELBJATIVES AND FELBJrATIVES FELBJASHES FROM THE FALLEN AKFRUBEILS OF ALL THE UNITED UNIVERSE'S. BY LBJ AS IN LONNIE BENNINGFIELD JUNIOR. Guardian's of the kingdom of gomightybjis gomightydjis. By lbj as in Lonnie benningfield junior ♥💙.
I invented and made and created guardian akfrubeils. By LBJ AS IN LONNIE BENNINGFIELD JUNIOR.
by LBJAY August 30, 2021
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A protector of wood. AKA a condom.
Not without a Wood Guardian...
by jstejste April 14, 2011
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A whole bunch of fuckery wrapped up in one dag
I saw a jet ski mail box, and then some guy driving around with a pink flamingo blow up on top of his car.

What a guardian day
by Guardian day definer May 28, 2021
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best mutual you could have. incredible kind and super cute <33
guardians. of. the. gaylaxy is your mutual? be glad because she's the best!!
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i am an incel and a cuck
i suck tyrant off
dude that guy is totally a guardian seeker
by guardian sucker October 25, 2020
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A typical way to define someone who's really skinny that should definetly eat more.
Rarely used to describe a female
by ZorgonGolla August 3, 2017
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