A young dude that soon want to be a youtuber with a growing channel. He is very nice, loves to play with his friends and loves to play video games. A great friend to many and is a chill dude.
by ThatPeronsUrban June 2, 2017
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Shy Senpai is the best gfx artist and manager in thr Critical OPS comunity, He's a gold player howere a god in gfx but lazu as fuck. If you ask him for hfx he will make it in 2 fuckin weeks. Also Shy is so poor that he bangs his pillow and drinks only coke.
Shy Senpai is good at gfx.
by Shy Senpai January 12, 2021
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The most scrumptious man to ever grace my eyeballs. He is god.
“Did you see Chad Senpai today? He’s looking rather tasty.”
by Masterpoopfart February 22, 2021
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The best cod player in team impulse . Very active. Also get nice. Also staff for team impulse and player for team impulse
by Senpai xoe October 11, 2020
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What emo anime kids call their crush. Actually means a senior or upperclassman in Japan.
"OMG my senpai noticed me!"

"WTF?!?! You realize that just means a senior or upperclassman right?"
"Shut up! Don't disrespect my relationship with my beloved senpai!"
by Giyu Simp July 9, 2023
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Somebody that will never love you because he's too old for you
Wow I hope Kacchan-Senpai notices me today!!~
by sxd.ho.3 October 6, 2019
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A Older person that you Respect Usually a person you have a Crush on
by 459395 March 14, 2022
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