An edgy band for edgy kids. They have some pretty decent songs though.
Guy 1:"Hey, do you listen to Linkin Park?"

Guy 2:"No, I don't self-harm."
by Lunaticia August 26, 2017
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an emo person, thinks having random hair styles works
joe: dude look at my hair!
frank: you know who you remind me of?
joe: who?
frank: that lead singer of Linkin Park
by idunno? April 11, 2005
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A bad hood where all the low-class black kids gangbang and have crackhead moms and don't know their dads are. They pick on the kids that have both their folks in the house and are marry and make good grades. All hoods in Portsmouth give public school a bad name like Woodrow wilson high, ghetto girls get knock up everyday and still think their fly and

the best thing around. All gangs are name B.M.B,Y.N.I.C, even muffin and milk(SO FAKE AND GAY) =3
I'm sick of those linkin park project homes(Portsmouth, VA) take their down to the ground like jerry wilson projects.
by 757dude March 21, 2010
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The Most sexiest, attractive, stupidly handsome, hot, sexually active male in the universe. Totally not said by linkin
"did you see linkin the other day? totally wanted to fuck him."
by Linkinizer January 27, 2022
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A blonde guy who plays basketball and footy, hes pretty popular and pretty attractive ngl
oh my gosh would you look at that, its Linkin”
“Linkin is on his way to tuckshop after playing basketball at lunch”
by wallsarenice June 18, 2022
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A band leaded by now-dead snowflake. Lyrics are for those offended by everything. The vocalist committed suicide when he was 41, which makes use wonder: why so slow?
Linkin Park (blablabla, required) well, Somewhere I Belong is still a great one.
by July 8, 2021
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Linkin park is a nu metal band in principal whitch means that combines a lot of genres of music. You should really listen to them they are really good.
Person 1: Heyooo have you heard bout linkin park?
Person 2: Of course heck yeah i heardbout them my favorite album is hybrid theory what bout you, anyways RIP Chester!!!!!
by Maimuta March 18, 2022
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