pure death, no matter where you go, where you hide, or who you are with he will find you and he will kill you.
oh my god its gta 5 aviator, he just aviated me and my entire crew.
by Duce Williams September 1, 2013
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The act of playing a game in a way that contradicts its nature out of sheer boredom.
"I got so bored yesterday, I started driving normally in GTA."

"Damn dude, me too. We should hang out sometime."
by Someone who kinda exists August 13, 2021
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a gta 3 character that i can say she is cute. search gta 3 misty in your browser . well she is actually a chick.
gta 3 misty is just a game model.. but she is cute and not a chick!!
by Senickres August 19, 2021
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Wannabe tryhards in GTA are players who think they're really good but actually they're pretty trash and don't have skill at all. They will use quite a lot cheap tactics like "Ghost Organization", "Off radar", RPG's, EWO mid-fight, abuse passive mode to sneak on you in a jet (or abuse passive mode in general) or they will only kill you in OP vehicles and claim they have owned you. They dress like tryhards and care about their K/D ratio which they're triggered when it drops. Wannabe's don't really know how to snipe or use normal weapons at all so their only option is to use cheap tactics described above (I know RPG is not a cheap tactic but they're using it in every situation even when they could use normal weapons).
GTA Wannabe Tryhard in a nutshell:

Wannabe Tryhard: *Kills tryhard or anyone in an Opressor*
Actual Tryhard: *Pathetic lmao, let's do 1v1 on the beach*
Wannabe Tryhard: *Take L 1-0 your (not you're on purpose) trash, I don't have time for you, loool, traaaaaassh*
by Xx_Tonyy_xX July 7, 2019
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Similar to deja vu but relating specifically to video game sequels.

A game sequel comes along & the fanboys rave over it.
The reality is, it's a rehash of the same old stuff.
Fanboy: "GTA IV is the bestest game eva!!!11!!!one!!!"

Me: "But it's just the same as the last one, but with a different main character... You're having GTA-jà vu."

Fanboy: "Meh!"
by JaySFnB May 12, 2008
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When you can't go to the club to cry because you're quarantined, so you're crying in the GTA (Grand Theft Auto) club.
Her: I wanna go out but we're on lockdown
Her: crying in the gta club
by bunnybboo April 15, 2020
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the thing that lasts 100 years
A:are you done loading in gta v
B:no it should take another 100 years
A: i know the gta v loading screen is so long
by arthur morgan 1899 November 20, 2021
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