Emma Shaw is a name for a very nice and pretty girl who is married. Emma is a German name for an outstanding and outgoing girl who is nice, yet a stubborn one.
Girl 1: Wow! I’m so jealous of Emma Shaw. All of the boys like her. Even that hot guy Brady.

Girl 2: IKR. EVERY SINGLE GUY!!!!!!!!
by Maria_e.1 November 27, 2017
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Susan Elizabeth Shaw as Strauss's Fiancée in Oppenheimer; from soap opera star to nuclear age romance. Love knows no bounds.
Example of how it's used in a sentence:

Person 1: who's that playing Strauss's fiancée in Oppenheimer?

Person 2: Susan Elizabeth Shaw as Strauss's Fiancée, the queen of soap operas. She's in love with history now!
by courtofowls September 4, 2023
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He is a teenager in lots of pain because of all the stupid mistakes he has made and never intends to hurt anyone with them. He is a very caring and loving boyfriend and doesn't care about what people think about his life . Byron Shaw is very athletic and has very few friends but the few he has are always there for him. Byron shaw appreciates the little things in life and always puts others first. Even when he's at his lowest.
Tom- "Byron shaw is so weird"
Billy - "Byron shaw doesn't care what h think he only cares about how to fix his problems and others lives"
by Byron Shaw November 22, 2021
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Someone who tries to make a living off of a meme page however it doesn’t work out and ends up looking like a mong. Also loves a good ol lie here and there.
My dad beat up a bunch of hackers. Which is a lump of bullshit. What a jack shaw
by Unkn0wn Spec1men October 30, 2017
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Michael Shaw thinks he’s slick cause he’s got a small dick. He also looks like Megan’s toe
Michael Shaw also got a haircut and he won’t show me
by Pizzacomacurry January 24, 2019
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