A way of expressing ones laughter; finding something especially hilarious and having a big laugh

**The joke you are laughing at may or may not have to do with china
joe: my mom fell down the stairs today, she broke her hip!

jim: great lawl of china!!! that must have been a funny sight!
by mhm alright ok May 2, 2011
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An internet user sworn to battle teh narbs and always uphold teh honor and integrity defined by teh letter of teh Lawl.
I'm sorry Antoinette, I cannot go out with you on Saturday. I'll be busy trolling the trade chat fulfilling my obligations as a Roflicer of teh Lawl.
by angryDel May 5, 2009
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If something is so ridiculously funny that u cant help yourself and burst out laughing
did u see that hilarious video? it made me lawl out loud!
by Hampton and Magee September 7, 2008
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Careers is one of the best non hacking but hacking phone player to exist in the game called Critical Operations. xd lawl ur so free
random xd lawl ur so free
by Fortnitegod18237 June 7, 2021
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Alex: What do you call a cupboard full of lesbians ?
Jill: I don't know what ?
Alex: A Liquor cabinet
Jill: LAWL!
by alicekilledwonderland June 8, 2010
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