The act of dropping shards of dope on accident
Quit sharding all over my couch I don’t want my dog to lick it up and get high
by Hazmatt10to2 December 1, 2020
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Eating someone's ass out who has just sharded (fart that went wrong)
She gave me a shard salada and I liked it
by Rod77777 April 25, 2022
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Administering crystal methamphetamine into the system intravenously.
I don't smoke dope. Bitch, I shoot shards.
by Smokedopeeveryday September 1, 2020
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Eating chunks of crystal methamphetamine, or rather tilting ones head back and tossing shard into open mouth followed by a swig of water or juice. Approximately 20-25 minutes after this procedure, you will be high as fuck. Wooohmp wooohmp motha fucka. ;)
If it wasn't for popping shards I wouldn't be the wonderful criddle master I am today!
by Original GG Killa May 11, 2016
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When someones breath smells like death after smoking meth.
Damn I have shard breath...again.
by gackhead December 5, 2010
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Sharde is a kinky girl, she is from darwin and has had sexual intercourse with many guys (who are much older). Don't mess with Sharde otherwise, she will uppercut you haha. Poor zef. GO BORRIS
dude 1: wow Sharde Wilson is so hot id tap that

dude 2: nah mate she is with zef
dude 3: bruh i already tapped that
dude 4: poor zef
by daddychickennugget96 October 30, 2019
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(Shard) - (iction) - (ary)

Shard-iction-ary ; a(n) addict, which has stories of their party/drug life. Create thier own dictionary, out of words they put together, define your memorable words with your own life events (definition)

(Shar) - (Dictionary)
(Shar) - (Dic) - (Tion)
(Shar) - (Dict)
(Shar) - (D) - (ict) (*ion)
Being Addicted to shards ***Shardicted****
Was only 16 when the girl became *Shard-icted.

(Shard) - (iction) - (ary)

Shard-iction-ary ; a(n) addict, which has stories of their party/drug life. Create thier own dictionary, out of words they put together, define your memorable words with your own life events (definition)
by Shard-N-A-Tor April 30, 2022
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