a fucking lad who fucks bare bitches for the fun of it. careful cus he will take your girl just for the fun of kit or to get u back for calling him a virgin.
bro hide your chick its mckenzie
by yourmumgai2.0 October 23, 2019
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Mckenzie is a normal guy that likes to play video games and is very rich. AND IS NOT A GIRL by the way
Mckenzie is usually used when naming someone
by ItsMangoYestheguywhosaid November 26, 2019
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And ugly bitch, that everyone hates. If u meet a McKenzie run away immediately
McKenzie said “hi” so I ran away
by Sjhnamsncntnr February 4, 2020
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The best girl in the whole word, if she had brown cult hair with blue eyes don’t make her mad or she will mess you up. She is so so pretty, and is so nice.
boy:wow she’s so pretty
girl: she’s my bsf Mckenzie but don’t get her mad or she will f you up
by pussytalkbitch September 30, 2020
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"OMG Mckenzie is such a VSCO girl, just look at her with her hydroflash and shell necklace."
by Oval956 September 8, 2019
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Verb. To put random objects up one's anus while masturbating. Said objects are not typically items associated with such activity e.g. children's toys, sauce bottles or other people's electric toothbrushes.
Bro, I McKenzied so hard last night I had to call an abundance to take me to A&E
by Rumple Cuntskin September 12, 2022
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