Something that doesn't exist ffs!!! Nobody owes you ANYTHING.
Guy 1: Marie totally friendzoned me today.
Me: Shut up! Imagine thinking that being friends with someone is worse than realizing that your best friend only wanted to fuck you.

Guy 1: Hahahah she left you in the friendzone.
Guy 2: Lol calm down, that doesn't even exist! If she only wants to be friends, I respect her right to say no. U r a total jerk.
by Guy.928 October 22, 2017
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The friendzone is a place, nobody likes to be in. In the blink of an eye, the girl or man of your dreams, places you in an bubble, where it is unpossible for you to start a serious relationship. This is probably the hardes hitting bonercrusher you will ever experience. But no worries, happens to everyone.
Sorry I dont want do be in a relationship with you, can u just go into my "Friendzone" ?

Dude, she doesnt want to have you as a boyfriend. You just landet in the "Friendzone".
by Creeperslayer69xxLP August 27, 2019
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Thank you! and life must go on....
Friendzone is where friends wait. Pure friendship and nothing else.
by 😊r bun DICK tio nery😊 August 9, 2020
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You're not good enough to fuck me but you can do things for me and validate me... And if you don't accept inferiority you're dehumanizing me. This isn't emotional blackmail.

Hym "You're not more emotionally intelligent than anyone and the fact that you and society have been able to successfully emotionally blackmail men into being friends with you isn't evidence of anything. Why? Because they don't have a choice! If they AREN'T willing to be to be your friend they are ACTIVELY DEHUMANIZING YOU! And you can't dehumanize women so... There. They have to settle for the shit-relationship (and they would upgrade to the good relationship if they could) or else they are dehumanizing women. ADDITIONALLY! If your guy friends are inbetween relationships or are hooking up, it isn't really the same as being alone now is it? And those studies showing the sexual satisfaction of lesbians proves me right again. Lesbians are just women pretending to be fat cocks. Do they use dildos? Are they big-fat-cock sized dildos? I'm correct again.
I've addressed this already. And you mock Jordan Peterson but the political conflict between you is nothing more than 'I KNOW WHAT'S BEST FOR MY DAUGHTER!' and you respond 'But Daddy I'm a big girl now! I should be able to do whatever I want! Everyone should have to be fine with everything I do, forever! HUH!? OH NO! CONSEQUENCES! DADDY! Shield me from consequences! Dispose of my offspring! Make the mean man respect me!' It's embarrassing. If you're going to set the bar for dehumanization that low, that if I'm not willing to live a sexless life and be friends with women, why should I even give a shit? Why not move somewhere where people generally just give a shit less about your want and whim? Sign me up for the sex-trafficing organ-farm breeding camps. I'm already doing the dehumanizing to you by not tolerating the retard sex. Why not go all in? I'm only expendable in-so-far-as I am a hazard to YOU. So, why not just go some place where YOUR wants don't matter? Escape the all-consuming blackhole created by your choice. The friendzone."
by Hym Iam July 7, 2023
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A kid who tells a chick that she's cute way too early and gets shoved into the "friendzone"
" Bro this kid actually stupid for saying that too early, mans should've known he would get thrown into the friendzone
by treysongs June 15, 2020
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The aptly names FriendZone is a place in girls hearts where she puts people, mostly close friends ranging of any age, sexuality, or gender Identity, she does not plan on pursuing as a relationship partner because you two are to close. If you believe you have been friendzoned unfairly why not go sit in the corner and think about your life such as:


and/or have been diagnosed with Nice Guy Syndrome
I'm in the FriendZone but that's okay because I appreciate your friendship.
by Screaming Cactus April 30, 2018
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