A checklist used to assess the functionality of a phone before, and after a repair. It usually includes speakers, cameras, buttons, microphones, proximity sensors, and charge docks.
I used the Logan Style Checklist, so I can assure to you that your phone works.
by Dontijal October 6, 2018
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Usually a range likes to stur as much shit as humanly possible.
Josh is causing so much shit we should call him Logan Martin
by Texsully February 27, 2016
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Also known as the "Turtle Bear", while having a spontaneous tendency to burst into a sprint, this being has the ability to sleep for 23 hours at a time. Usually found in the wilderness of Minnesota, Logan has been spotted on top of various dance floors spanning from Arezzo to Germany. Despite his intimidating stature, he is quite in touch with his emotional side. His triggers include Ingrid Michaelson, anything green, motorinos and the Vatican.
Logan Pallin, stop complaining about going into town 5 times!
by Ajota G July 11, 2011
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logan, the bestest friend in the whole wide world. The friend you can share your favorite songs with and blast them during car rides. Someone who appreciates the things you like and never makes you feel bad about being a butthead. A fantastic artist and tis very intelligent. Very good at taking photos, painting, gives good hugs, and pets love him. Perfect guy to bring home to your family, and explain how he’s your bestie that you plan to marry in 15 years. he’s your boy friend and even though there’s a space between the two you’ll always be closer to him than your boyfriend.
You can tell that’s Logan Sowers because he’s way cooler than that liam guy!
by nina123456678 November 22, 2021
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power couple, super cute and everybody wants to be like them.
wow did you see Logan and Justin? they're so cute!
by syvulo February 20, 2022
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Logan McCluskey is a California-based celebrity best known for his fire guitar covers and his prolific collection of personally remastered 80s bops. In addition to his incredible musical talents, McCluskey is a daredevil, a scrappy legend, and a style icon.
Dangggg, Logan McCluskey is an extraordinary human being inside and out and he's going to change the damn world one day .
by lactose intolerant March 31, 2018
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Not got a square head and isnt a nonce he lives up the the motto of wagwan pifting my g
Wolrds most hardcore geometry dash sweat. Logan Thomas
by Fluffy kiten 31 June 30, 2021
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