Ope! MATT HUGHES! IT WAS MATT HUGHES WITH THE ARMBAR! Hold on......................................................... Yup. Matt Hughes.
Hym "Ah, shit! It was Matt Hughes! Not Matt Sera! I didn't see a thing that reminded me. I just remembered."
by Hym Iam August 31, 2023
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Being absolutely shit at hockey and every sport and having ur dad beat u with a belt every night
Playing b hockey and being so shit that u dad beats you that's Matt forsied
by 69caramucker69 December 16, 2018
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A slight obese but not overly obese man who cares for his hair. And also doesn’t brush his teeth
Don’t be a Matt Horan when u are anticipating a coming out party.
by Lester 2 September 12, 2021
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An Australian term for a outdoor mattress left out in the greater wilderness for casual sex. Usually highly unsanitary and attracting only the truly desperate for a quick shabang.
Oi, let's have a root on the shag matt over out on the bushes over there
by AgencyofM April 20, 2021
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A small boy, who is an adult but looks like a 12 year old. He likes girls, ping pong, rock climbing and pottery.
yo! is that Matt Davies!!??
by samsucio August 30, 2018
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