cobra= lashing out poisonous mammal, ambushful and unpredictable.

oprah= powerful female.

cobra + oprah = a powerful poisonous female mammal that lashes out on contact.

synonymous with "bitch" , "crazy woman", or " your mother in law"
As in

"boy don't make me go cobra oprah on yo ass!!!"

"ooooooo babyyy, that girl got some cobra oprah in her step, mmmmmmhmmm make a grown man cry"

"I left that bitch tomorrow she too cobra oprah fo me, ya on level?"
by couturegirl08 April 12, 2010
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1954-, television talk show host, actor and all-around American success story.
"Oprah Winfrey is starring in four upcoming movies!"

"Doesn't surprise me, Oprah's a legend."
by golden pineapple August 27, 2018
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To be on an emotional roller coaster, similar to Oprah's dieting history, because you can not cope with The Oprah show going off the air.
Suburban Sally: 'What the Hell is your problem John? You left the jelly on the damn kitchen counter! Put it away!'

John: 'Wow...really? It's never bothered you before? Why now?....OH! Now i get it! Let me guess...Oprah Show Withdrawal?'

Suburban Sally: 'Yeah honey. I'm sorry for lashing out at you. I feel like i just got paroled after 25 years, trying to now integrate myself back into society between 4-5pm daily.'

John: 'I'll will help you cope honey. We will get through this together'.
by C-dogg1972 May 15, 2011
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The inability to watch television between the hours of four o'clock until 5 o'clock, because some member of your family must watch Oprah like its some sort of sick addictive gospel (like a cult).
Friend: "Hey dude did you catch last nights episode of The mighty boosh?"
You: " Nope I didn't I was busy getting cock blocked by Oprah"
by Harvey Hand banana May 17, 2011
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When you hug someone for more than 30 seconds. As Oprah tells you to.
She just got raped by an Oprah Hug
by Leah&Laurel November 1, 2009
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A phrase that is to be randomly blurted out in a state of sheer excitement. The situation providing for the excited state in no way has to relate to Oprah.
*Man finds $20 on the ground*
Man: "Fuck yes Oprah! Twenty dollars!"
by Alec the fonz February 25, 2011
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Better known as OWN, this is a channel exclusively dedicated to 24/7 daytime programming, but is subject to change in the future, as it is still in it's infancy. Also serves as an early sign of Oprah's plans of dominating the world taking place.
Person A: Hey, Oprah Winfrey has her own network now called the Oprah Winfrey Network.

Person B: Word? You won't catch me watching that shit.

Person A: True, but it won't be long now until you hear about an Oprah Winfrey country populated by nothing but middle-aged housewives.
by Tekkenfreek234 January 4, 2011
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