A bin in which to chunder. Commonly found at fancy dress parties, if you turn up and are not considered to have put enough effort into your costume you may be sent to the chunder bin area. Here you must consume enough alcohol to make you throw up, before being allowed to enter the actual party. More's the shame if your a complete heavy weight.
Example 1:
"Dude, are you going to that costume party on monday?"
"Yeh, I hear theres gonna be a chunder bin"
"Shit, I better work on my outfit!"

Example 2:

"This is a costume party, why are you wearing jeans and a t shirt?"
"I've come as 'sexy'"
"No way mate, thats crap, get into the chunder bin"
by chunderbinsrock August 30, 2009
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the vomit of a girl having fellatioed a cheesy penis
jesus christ, my man mozzarella was clearly visible in her chunder cheddar!
by svenson8 August 26, 2008
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The cheesy subatance that builds up on your chode (between your balls and butthole) when you don't shower for a few days.
After a hotty and sweaty day, Bobby scratched his balls and to his horror found that there was developing a hearty layer of chunder cheese buildup.
by Lawdizzle October 23, 2007
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Upon seeing your friend/associate/work mate/family member being sick and flapping their wings (see "chunder dragon"), you niftily launch yourself onto their back, cling on tight and proclaim to anyone lucky enough to witness this once in a lifetime event, "YEEEAAH! RIDING THE CHUNDER DRAGON!"

Alternately, if the dragon is so shitfaced it has dropped to its knees while chundering, you can straddle its back like an angry jockey on a fucked up horse. This may come with the added comic effect of slamming their face into a pool of their own regurgitated stomach acids.

To date there are only legends of mighty men who have been brave enough to ride the fabled Chunder Dragon. If you ever get the chance to join this elite of immortal heroes, do not falter
Man 1 "oh shit, i'm gonna chunder lads..."
Everyone "Holy shit, fucking AWESOME!"
by ChunderDragonRider September 10, 2010
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When you twerk at such a velocity a turd rolls out
Woah did you see that girl she totally just twerky bum chundered
by Fastplood August 18, 2015
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I, like, stuck my fingers down my throat and induced a tactical chunder. Now I'll totally reach my target dress size of 0.
by JeckJeck June 13, 2011
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a poste at the botom of gavins garden were everyone he knoes has thrown up at
oh shit to the chunder post.... heave
by Gavin \\\'n\\\' ogg March 31, 2003
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