Someone who really gives a fuck about other people doesn't feel a need to get on the news and promote or advertise their group or themselves, just like someone who's really on your side doesn't need to tell you they're on your side all the time.
I care charity group isn't on your side and doesn't give a fuck about you. Should you ever trust someone who pretends to give a fuck about you but really doesn't? You're never the only one getting played, even if you think you are.
by Solid Mantis April 1, 2021
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Charity is a really nice person and you should always keep her as a friend. She sometimes acts weird then gets a bit guilty afterwards. If you are a Charity you should be proud of your self. Charity is kind to everyone - even to people see doesn't like. She sometimes follows the crowd but then she realizes she shouldn't have. Even if anyone is jealous of her, they just want to be her.
Person: 'Look it's the new girl! She is so nice!'
Person2: 'She MUST be a Charity!'
by TEHE.UwU April 19, 2022
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A girl who is strong. A gymnast. LEVEL SEVEN GYMNAST GET IT RIGHT.And will be seen it the Olympics. So better like this before u will never see me again. Charity LeGree is the name. Go to see my scores.
Charity is a queen
by April 18, 2021
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What nobody cares people start when you mention their nobody cares mentality. Usually they ask for a donation to their charity, and they say they're gonna feed kids in another country that are 50 pounds underweight for their age, or elderly folks who survived a famine and a plague. They think of this as what good natured/willed people do, and think everyone will think they are wonderful and good natured and that nobody will question it.
He/she started a million dollar charity with donations (collections) to feed hungry kids and elderly folks, what would you like to bring to the table? $25? $50?
by Solid Mantis May 14, 2019
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she is a girl who who likes to get lit and party, she is a bit of a player, likes to smoke and drink, SHE IS LITTTT.....i promise
friend: yo Charity likes to get lit
by s150 January 28, 2022
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A common type of money-laundering scam that makes use of guilt-tripping and vague appeals to one's sense of compassion in order to accrue massive amounts of monetary 'donations'. Unlike other scams, charity is very effective in urbanized environments such as Europe and the USA due to the massive amount of political padding around humanitarian efforts, making it very difficult to launch investigations into suspected money laundering operations under such themes.
I'm sick and tired of seeing all these in-your-face charity funds up online. I'd sooner donate my bank account credentials to a random African prince than help some random eastern-European dude buy cocaine or some shit.
by Inlovewithabsol March 7, 2023
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