"A Famous quote said by the sickest sick cunt in the world, ZYZZ
It Can be Used to inspire even the most down bad, hopeless motherfuckers.
1 Doomer: its to late for me the market is over oversaturated, my genetics cant get me any bitches.
1 Zyzz: "We're all gonna make it brah".
2 Doomer: Nvm "lets" hit the gym and start making some Big Bobux.

2 Zyzz: thats right brah be a sick cunt and nothings impossible pass it down your entire bloodline. "We're all gonna make it"
by Adonis1498 May 7, 2023
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a kami-brah-zi who is deaf to all bros that try and help him, all warnings and pieces of advice go ignored.
Dan "I tried to help Dom and warn him about the grenade he's been hanging with but he completely ignored me."

Sam "Wow, poor kid's a sound proof kami-brah-zi.
by Android23 March 19, 2011
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Can refer to doing any activity on any object. Originally a drunken text message on New Year's Eve.
Shrelp those nars nars bro brah. - OR - Those nars nars aren't going to shrelp themselves.
by Canasty December 2, 2007
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Totally Definitely Obvious Sick Nasty Dinosaur Lacrosse Playing Bro. A term used for all those who play lacrosse. Commonly used to answer questions.
Bro 1: Did yous see the Duke lacrosse game yesterday?

Bro 2: Totes Def Obvi Sick Nasty Dlaxin Brah
by MacMacAttack November 9, 2010
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a naked killing, toxicity filled, hydro electric fuckwit who drives off of killing nakeds and fresh spawns on rust, happens to appear wherever we decide to build and needs to be exterminated
you must be Damo Brah
by Sufferlol June 18, 2017
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the way a unemployed uneducated houso says thanks whilst being incarcerated

when a lad or crackhead leaves ya house with their crack in hand after ya just shouted the fein'in grub..
mad as my brah
by hbcab September 17, 2021
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