Annoying arse people who think that Th0r can beat wonder woman in a fight, sexist and sometimes homophobic and racist. overall definition: arseholes
th0r flop stan: thor solos fav, MID!

anyone with decent knowledge: shut ur fat arse up #BOSSED
th0r flop stan: UGH!! I'm LEAVING! YOU *random slur*

anyone with decent knowledge: fuck you arsehole! Thor stans don't know shit
- by Jugirlb
by Jugirlbs July 2, 2022
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no thanks not going
girl 1: are you going to that party tonight?
girl 2: no thor not fin
girl 1: wtf 🤔
by cashiernumber3 March 19, 2022
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tall guy, not that good looking ,needed saving

(infinity war reference)
mantis: you’re the ones thor told us about
tony: you know thor
quill: yes :)
by strawberrypenguin July 9, 2019
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When you're fucking your girlfriend and you start singing Thunder by Imagine Dragons
Thunder, feel the Thornder. Lightning in your bum bum (bum bum).
by poopSNARE January 18, 2021
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A dog that you think is powerful because of its name but is actually a wimp very fat and a German shorthaired pointer one is also very loving towards their human
Thor is a German shorthaired pointer dog
by 🧠🧠🧠 October 18, 2020
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Thor... it’s noob_master69 again...
by Noob_master69 May 15, 2019
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