The best budget mouse. Even though your friends pretend to hate it, deep down they all know that its the best budget mouse available for under $50.
Friend: fuck yo bitch ass razer viper mini
You: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
by yeetkake May 10, 2021
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The status of the penile member of a man after engaging in raunchy, filthy, nasty sex. Sleeping in the marinade, and not washing the next day.
Man: "Ah man I've got such a swamp viper right now. I haven't showered in a day and banged a lot lizard for six hours."
Priest: "same"
by Jimmy big nuts February 27, 2019
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head from viper
Person 1: damn that viper head is fire af
person 2: still hardtusck plat tho
by Viper head enjoyer September 12, 2022
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When a woman gives a guy a blowjob, and after he ejaculates in her mouth, she cocks back her head and spits the load of semen in his face like a viper.
She gave him a viper kiss after sucking his cock last night! She spit it right in his face!
by PuggyJones December 29, 2016
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when somebody pops a giant boner while lifting weights
michael you got a straining viper right now
by BALL_zak July 8, 2010
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A program for little smart overachievers that kids join in 7th grade not knowing what they’re walking into. All it does is gives You more homework and stress and sometimes parties but that’s it. The VAP kids definitely need to be humbled.
Oh! You’re a VAP kid?? Imagine being smart enough for Space Coast VAP (Viper accelerated program)
by cheesyburnttoast69420 January 20, 2022
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The position In which your boner is in between erect and flacid
Dude I was about to fuck Stacy but I could only get a radical viper
by Coolkid843 March 1, 2016
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