when a girl fucks a guy with a strap-on electric vibrator.
guy: "oooh, girl, shock me like an electric eel."
(girl then puts on strap-on vibrator, and anally fucks him)
by Rohypnol September 6, 2008
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When a man or woman of opposition (or in some cases compliance) pulls out a handheld taser and tases a mans phallic member.
Opposition: this guy got really close to me after I told him to get away so I gave him an electric eel

Compliance: me and my girl got really kinky and I told her to give me an electric eel
by Jersey Jake September 29, 2020
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A booger that you can’t get out and when you finally do your nose is a waterfall of blood
by Omgimkindaflattered March 13, 2020
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A fat hag with thick belly and big teeth.

Bully and mean.
ex. Is that ethel eel? ew!!!
r: I think it is!!!
by The thick pigs October 31, 2022
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A slippery bitch whos just as pretty as she is slimy
Bruh i bet kates a fucking peackock eel
by Ash The Warthog King August 21, 2020
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