When you poke your girlfriend up the arse and then wipe your fingers on your sunday lunch and cook it in the oven.
After sunday lunch, i served the pudding which was a mucky moody.
by Kipperminted Fry January 6, 2009
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Larry. Ok he is funny. And don't get on his bad side. Its h*ll
by That somebody November 21, 2018
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Moody Hosny is a word for describin one of the worst strategists on Monster legends. Moody Hosny are generally noobs players that always drop even vs easy as hell team like kb racers (LMAO), and blame it all on status casters, ultimate skills, their zodiac sign etc etc. Moody Hosny are generally friendly individuals, with the only ecception on their natural predators (Ronan Duplins). Moody Hosnys are also well known for their jinxing abilities and are often called 'Ill fortune bringers'
Moody Hosny : we gonna DESTROY hoj trust me guys
Me : dont jinx moody, please....
Moody : *proced to fail first attack of the war*
Ronan : Told ya he always drops and im better :troll:
by XORGBORG February 17, 2022
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when you follow the same girl for 2years and end up falling in love with them but know nothing would ever happen. you will always be 'just friends'
'oh no you haven't become an unlucky moody'
by K KREW January 22, 2009
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The opposite of joy. Characterized by consistent wearing of hoodies, a refusal to interact with sentient beings, and a persistent resentment towards others.
Cade is being moody again... His moodiness kills everyone's joy
by Chuck Cracker December 6, 2020
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When a person is annoyed and displays an angered face/frustrated expression. An expression similar to when a person is straining for a poo.
hannah is a moody poody. When inflicting this expression please make sure it is strung out to mooooody-pooody
by Rachael Rose January 13, 2008
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Sexy or Rude
Sometimes use when someone get angry
And sometimes Use for Flirting
"Hey Guurl! You look so Moody Mody!"
by jackie monaron June 24, 2016
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