Also known as "BGC".

People who are so extremely miserable no matter how good things are, are characteristically gifted as being transmitters and breeders of a "BGC". In context, these are generally miserable people you may live or work with that, by default, suck your life force from your body merely by being in the same room, or standing next to you.

You will be immediately afflicted by the "BGC" bug by a sudden feeling of worthlessness, loathing, and have a sudden urge to walk into walls, babbling incoherently, or in extreme cases, feel an extreme urge to slap the living shit out of the source of the "BGC" bug. These wretched individuals may also have foul smelling breath and unkempt hair and clothes.

Many times, in extreme cases, affected people will cower in a corner whilst piddling and defecating themselves while the "BGC" bug runs it's course. Do not confuse these symptoms with those associated with the "Poopie Monster" syndrome. The affected person with the "BGC" bug may also defecate themselves without knowing it.

There is no known cure at present for the "BGC" bug, and each case is unique in that the symptoms may run from only several minutes to many days at a time.
"Oh no! Here comes the Big Gaping Cunt! Everyone run!"
by Mongameister November 13, 2007
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The act of facing down, gripping your asshole open while a minimum of 3 men compete to masturbate and fire their load into your gaping hole. The one who wins is the Gaping Meat Dragon.
"Yo, how did the orgy go?"

"Pretty good. I got to be the Gaping Meat Dragon."

"Bro, nice!"
by Stognathebalogna April 14, 2021
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The act of taking a shit into a very loose womans vagina, that happens to have been stretched out by a) vigorous sex b) putting mail boxes in her vagina c) concealing drugs
Oh my god i cant believe i was able to shit into your wives gaping cunt last night
by gawd of man March 25, 2005
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The act of lodging a rusty crowbar into the anal cavity of another individual.
by Major ED February 13, 2010
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A vagina, resembling a curtain in front of a doorway made out of beef.
That woman was so loose, her gaping beef curtains were flapping in the breeze
by lickolotopus November 9, 2008
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