Dante is just a massive bellend, drives about in a Mk4 golf with shit tunes blasting out with under age birds in the back.

Rumour has it his mum has a guide dog
by BIG ANTS NO.1 FAN November 22, 2021
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A useless person, very annoying really just Dante but too many things show up. If your name is Dante you probably get into arguments, say things people don't like or don't know, and probably ruin an entire conversation.
Bro, stop being such a DantE (Dante).
by RedReed June 25, 2022
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He is a fucking faggot and he loves gay porn
by November 22, 2021
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He is a white male, with a 2.5 mm shlong and he wears glasses, as well as plays puck. He keeps a gun under his bed, and his great grandfather is dead. He is funny, and he owns a $15 highlighter which can be easily mistaken as a vaporizer. But don’t be fooled....it’s not. His friends name is tye-dye, but his name is short for boobs, and he owns a wife.
Wooooow look at Dante and his shlong!

Dante likes his wife’s DSL’S
by Anonymous.04 July 19, 2021
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He is a white male, with a 2.5 mm shlong and he wears glasses, as well as plays puck. He keeps a gun under his bed, and his great grandfather is dead. He is funny, and he owns a $15 highlighter which can be easily mistaken as a vaporizer. But don’t be fooled....it’s not. His friends name is tye-dye, but his name is short for boobs, and he owns a wife.
Wooooow look at Dante and his shlong!

Dante likes his wife’s DSL’S
by Anonymous.04 July 19, 2021
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He has an absolute giant fucking dick. He pulls so many females its crazy. He gets more bitches than he can handle.
That guy is such a Dante. I wish I was like him.
by shrhshajejejrhrh July 30, 2022
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Cool as shit 😎 👍 but also a man with a massive schlongdinger. He is also the best player of all time.
Dante is so hot I want to give him African goggles.
by Dr.Dick5792-1 August 16, 2022
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