An opponent of equal or greater skill compared to yourself. They are clever and deviant. Can't trust them so always bring backup
Danny was playing a card carrying commie in Battleship. Danny had to go to the bathroom. While in there the commie switched his ships around and won on that. If danny had brought friends it might not have ended that way.
by Little Canada June 9, 2010
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A subreddit which promotes it's anti-communist thought by using strawmen arguments, logical fallacies, and other misleading arguments which inevitably accomplish nothing.
enough commie spam provides me with all the good arguments against commies I'll need - stuff like 'socialism killed 100 gorillion people' and 'hah all communists are just kids therefore their opinions are invalid'
by Minerface February 15, 2017
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A series of words to describe something you don't like.
Frend: Wanna play FORTNITE?
Me: commie mother fucker
by Yate485794032 October 8, 2019
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A place on reddit where people argue using the belief system that all solutions are invalid. Therefore their arguments are always valid - while accomplishing nothing and presenting no actual alternatives to communism.
This meme has a theory behind it. I'm going to go mock it on Enough Commie Spam without providing a better alternative to a stateless and classless society. Better dead than read!

If I don't choose a solid position I can easily win any argument on Enough Commie Spam.
by comradenanuq December 3, 2016
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Similar to Male tears, AKA semen, and it's usually drunken by butt hurt Yankees.
Yankee:Communism doesn't work *Drinks commie tears*
by Billy MacBigBollocks November 21, 2017
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A person that you don't like. Must be used sparingly for it is a powerful insult that can make little kids cry.
Person A: "Hey, what's up?"
Person B: "Shutup, you pinko commie bedwetting sapsucking twit"
Person A: *runs home* *cries*
Powerful indeed.
by Ashm33r October 16, 2006
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