Quark Atheism, also Quarkist Atheism, is an atheist ideology and movement that seeks to embrace the atheist ideas and politics of Quarkism. Quark atheism is characterized by the full countering on spirituality, religion and immaterial beliefs together with the full replacement to them by materialism and atheism through materialist education, and that since the kindergarten that should have materialist education and that mass media and internet should be used in order to provide materialist education to everyone else. Quark Atheism also support that atheists should unite themselves in order to turn all countries into state atheists and make bills and laws to outlaw and make religion, spirituality and immaterial beliefs illegal and send spiritual people, religious people and people with immaterial beliefs to psychiatric hospitals to be "cured" or even for life in case the one don't want to give up their beliefs. Quark Atheism also supports that scientism, anti-theism, atheism, secular fundamentalism, materialism and physicalism should be taken into their last consequences and that only quark atheists and atheist fundamentalists are the true atheists and anyone else are moderates, such as new atheists, or religious/spiritual people in disguise, such as spiritual physicalists and spiritual atheists.
"Quark Atheism is just extremely radical and shows that atheism can be really radical and extremely secular fundamentalist sometimes. But still, while quarkism is not hegemonic, there's nothing so much to worry about quark atheism."
by Full Monteirism May 13, 2021
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A radical atheist is someone who hates religion on a personal scale and pushes that to hate anyone who follows religion they often think there more intelligent than you from the fact they follow no religion and bully people online about why religion itself is toxic.
Oh no it’s a radical atheist and his radical atheism

Radical atheist: Jesus was a butt
Francis: does from heart attack
by Syrian boi August 29, 2019
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While some atheists can certainly be annoying and intolerant as fuck, there is actually no such thing as "fundamentalist" atheism.

The definition of a fundamentalist is someone who won't be swayed by evidence - someone who relies on "faith". This is in contrast to the nonbeliever, who relies on hard evidence and reason.

And believe me, the second an intelligent nonbeliever finds a good enough reason to believe in any particular deity, he will do so immediately.
But what sort of evidence would convince a religious person that his faith is false?
"fundamentalist atheism"
Look up the definition of fundamentalism in dictionary, folks. "Angry" atheists are preaching for rationality and a respect for evidence, not faith.
by Submitters of Words June 15, 2011
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A Redditor who's also an atheist, and believes that church should be separate from state. Also might mock certain religious beliefs of activism.
Christian redditors hate r/atheism topics.
by raimonlm December 8, 2011
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Dogmatic atheism is almost always referring to a hardcore atheist who is unwilling to change his mind on religion. This attitude contrasts with dogmatic theism, which are theists who refuse to believe their god isn't real, and are 100% certain that god does exist.
Dogmatic atheism is the opposite towards religious fundamentalism, since both think they are objectively correct
by Kelmeer23 January 31, 2023
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Militant atheism is a form of atheism that is hostile towards religions, religious authority, and religious people. A person of this belief is (almost always) a positive atheist. This form of atheism can be seen in the USSR, China, and other communist countries. It can also be seen with reddit atheists who push their disbelief onto others who don't ask for it.
Militant atheism and militant theism are the same thing, just with whose trying to indoctrinate who with what type of belief.
by Kelmeer23 February 10, 2023
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Cultural atheism, also atheist reformism or progressive atheism, is a political, social and spiritual-religious theory that believes that secular countries, such as the whole world as well, are slowly drifting into state atheism, such as the whole scientific community, scientifc consensus, psychology, psychiatry, neuroscience and all other scientific fields are slowly drifting into new atheism and into atheist fanaticism and scientific fanaticism. Such as the humanity as well is slowly drifting into becoming less religious and spiritual and become more atheist and even supporters of atheist/scientific fanaticism.
"Cultural atheism might have some truth on what it says and might sound somehow absurd, but if we realize the growing of state atheist ideas on internet, mainly among scientific, occultist, judicial/legal and secular groups on internet, we can clearly see that cultural atheism is actually a thing."

"The biggest proof about how cultural atheism is a thing is several people who work with law inviting atheist zealots and scientific zealots to talk about religious and spiritual things and show that why religion and spirituality should be considered as charlatanism such as what happens on state atheism. And it will eventually lead into "secular on paper and state atheist on practice" countries and then into full state atheism if not countered."
by Full Monteirism March 18, 2021
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