THE BEST SPORT EVER! yeyah. We run through the woods. its hella intense. all those people who say it isn't a sport are lame. they just cant run that far. The boys tend to be either really skinny, or have really nice bodies....esp. when they run with their shirts off and get all tan
C: I have an XC meet today!
MC: XC isnt a sport.
C: thats because you cant run
by C07 June 24, 2005
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A sport for only the OG’s. May be tiring... and there IS a secret xc language where they talk about “keeping the pace”. But literally the best sport out there. Xc girls are sweet as hell and damn good looking. Xc boys are super hot and attractive (and this is random but there is always a hot & fast dude named jake in like every team). If u ever fall for an xc runner you best damn keep them because they are likely one of the best people you’ll ever meet.
“Damn. Xc workouts look so hard!!” - 1
“Dude ikr!! But look at those hot cross girls😍😍” - 2
by surfandplai June 8, 2019
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A face symbolizing lost hope so you just want to leave.
by XDJigsaw May 31, 2018
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Short for cross country witch really isnt even a sport and most ppl who run it are complete fags and also people who ride harleys
That fag runs cross country "XC" because he cant play any real sports
by Sand killer January 9, 2010
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the symbols to the left and right of jesus's head in the orthodox christian church.
ic (**) xc

any time you see an icon of jesus there will be the symbols ic xc next to his head, symbolizing that he is the christ.
by chicgreek August 22, 2007
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An extremely dominant cross country dynasty in east side San Jose CA
That James Lick XC kid Benny Is freaking fast.
by Benny reeves September 26, 2009
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The best motherfreaking group of kids I ever met. A true family. <3
I love the PHS XC team! We're like a huge dysfunctional family.
by Double-stoveG. December 11, 2010
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