A mentally aclaimed white girl who thinks shes blackand tries to be black by acting black,putting on FAKE black girl hair.

She also can't rap or fight and looks like Sid the Sloths long lost twin sister.
"Woah girl you need to stop acting like woah vicky"
by Sage Kenobi June 11, 2018
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Full Name: Victoria Waldrip
- She claims to be black. She found out in July 19.
Friend 1: did you know Woah Vicky?
Friend 2: that “black” girl?
by Pizzarella June 3, 2018
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A racist who claims to be black when she’s really 50 shades of white. The only thing she’s not lying about is her being mixed. She is mixed with milk and retardation. She claims she is from Zone 6 and acts like a hood rat but the closest thing to fighting she ever did was fighting the air.
Person 1: ever heard of woah Vicky?
Person: Sid the sloths sister? Yeah shes delusional if she thinks she’s black
by who_is_isabella April 14, 2019
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She's black
Woah Vicky is 5% black
by Hmm...yep June 17, 2018
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When someone says or acts as if they were black and from "the hood". basically acting like the internet personality Woah Vicky
Person 1: "dude, Jake is acting like hes black all of a sudden"
Person 2: "sounds like Jake has Woah vicky syndrome."
by north polar bear April 9, 2020
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