A negative accusation alluding to someone who is mentally impaired.
Look at Ray making a fool of himself. He's such a window-licker.
by soitgoes.963 June 26, 2010
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it can mean many things:
1)someone who rides the big yellow bus to the happy camp.
2)someone disabled and/or mentally challenged.
3)a spaz
Nicola rides the big yellow bus to the happy camp because she is very special. She goes to the happy camp for lessions in window licking.
by Special person March 25, 2005
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A kid who takes the special bus to school. Its a term for a slow kid though its just idiots makin fun of people.
just because i was in special ed dosen't mean im a window licker.
by sonny vitale.... January 14, 2008
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a mentally impaired person, a helmet, a 'tard
on who rides the short bus.
I saw that window licker riding the short bus with all the other 'tards last week.
by Jasonian November 29, 2005
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A retard that sits all alone lick the window out of the side of his mouth, staring at you, while crying
Son:"Look at the kid licking the window Mom!"
Mom:"Son that's a window licker."
by Dinoflagellates November 21, 2015
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retarded people.
ones who sit on the short bus and lick the windows.

im surrounded by window lickers.
that guy is a window licker.
did you see the bus full of window lickers

by NorwalkAfternoon February 13, 2009
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