General derogatory term used by old people to refer to children as way too carefree and chaotic compared to their own childhood. The name comes from the famous painting 'Snap the Whip', depicting children running through a grassy field.
"Back in my day, kids got the newspaper themselves, now they're all just mean and rude, like you, ya' whippersnapper!"

"Apperantly, his grandfather just called him a 'whippersnapper'. What an mean old hobo."
by Zelmisburg August 21, 2011
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A word used by elderly to insult the dirty youth.
That Damn Whippersnapperr needs to wash
by Charles55625 February 27, 2017
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A young person that you want to hit so hard that your whipping stick snaps on their ass!
I’d like to get my hands on that whippersnapper!
by MamaWe November 1, 2018
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Two or more people, usually drunk or just retarted, standing on the side of the road, when they see a car coming towards them, and they freeze, like deer before headlights. Then they book it to the nearest bush and dive behind it for cover. If they don't make it all the way, they do that one crawl that those army peoples do in the army. Then they wait for the car to repsond/leave.
The two girls were standing on a corner, when one saw a car coming down the street. She froze, staring at it, then booking it to a bush 10 feet away. She dives under it as does the other girl. The car stops in front of the bush, sitting their idle. Then a voice comes from the car.
'We see you~!'
'You can't hide from us!'
'You damn whippersnappers!.. Go home!'
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