girl puts brick through mans car window

Man says to women: Wooah, what's your beef?
by Gill, February 19, 2009
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Noun Phrase:

1. Computer Technical: What is your Internet Protocol Number? Internet Protocol is the standard that describes how data is sent across networks and one of the Internet’s most important elements.

2. Slang: A question to where a person is at that moment either geographically or in an abstract sense.
Q: "what's your IP?"
A: ""

Q: "what's your IP dude?"
A: "i just stabbed my girlfriend, i'm real messed up."
by ProfessorPhantasy April 10, 2004
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agree with previous definitions, but should add the origin of this phrase-
the movie "Heathers"
Winona Ryder-"What's your damage?"
by oldschool May 19, 2004
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A term used to ask someone when they randomly say something mean, rude, or insulting. You can’t say this out of the bloom
Also after you ask what’s your benefit, you must “say what do you gain from that?”

-Term made by Imran from the dmv
Homie 1: You suck plus you stink
Homie 2: What’s your benefit? What do you gain from that? You’re not getting money or anything.
by GamerBoy Terms April 14, 2020
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A question about how mentally cracked a person may be.
"Would you ever fuck a sheep?"- Jay
"What's your damage little boy?"- Brent
by Bryan H K May 5, 2004
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