English way of describing the way you feel when ill, mainly in conjunction with a hangover! Being a very low point at that time....a trough. Being in a trough is not nice at all.
" Butler is in a trough as he hasn't finished his Strongbow"
by Russell Williams December 2, 2005
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That girl totally troughed me at the party last night.
by Chopsley February 22, 2008
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A really mean name for a vagina.
Bitch! You couldnt pay me to fuck that trough!
by Adam Harigast February 3, 2005
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1. a buffet or food bar at a shitty restaurant
2. a long urinal usually found at stadiums, which are wide enough for many men to piss at once; often continuously flushing
1. We went to Ryan's, and we each had the trough.
2. The Ted is nice, but I miss the community feel of the trough at Atlanta-Fulton County stadium.
by Nick Victim April 30, 2004
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An unusual and uncommon sexual performance or act, which often fringes on debauchery. Do to the nature of the 'Troughing' and the trust required in its conduct it is often reserved for strong well established couples or for very outgoing, exciting confident people.
This behaviour appears to be localised to South East, England (United Kingdom), however in neighbouring areas it is slowly spreading and growing popularity among social groups. The slow trend is attributed to the secretive nature and often only spoken about between close friends or pea-cocking barroom drunks.
'Troughing' is the commonly used term to encapsulate the different variants and branches of this act, and due to these variants and whispered conversations it is difficult to pin-point and remove all ambiguity. Due to trending via word of mouth between social groups 'Troughing' is believed to be evolving, improving and in some ways competing with previous variants for bragging rights.

It is believed that nearly all variants require food to be eaten, however the choice of food to be eaten (fruit, porridge, chocolate), by which partner (male, female), from where (boobs, belly, bowl, plate, floor, bed, bum crack, vagina, gooch), under which restrictions (tied up, no hands, hands only, spoon, straw, animal noises), with a variety of props (bowls, spoons, bib and not forgetting the TROUGH) and which location (bedroom, car, woods, picnic) is what provides all the variants.
Guy1: I think I might try and go for some troughing this weekend.
Guy2: Really, You recon she is ready?
Guy1: I think she might be the one!
Guy1: Disgusting!
by Sinister Hippo June 24, 2013
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My whole life has been a lie, why should it make sense for anything negative to be described by a work which is associated with positive connotations? Yes you’re getting there.. it shouldn’t

The context of peak is completely linguistically inaccurate. Being politically correct, something ‘peak’ should actually be described as something ‘trough’ because of the unquestionable knowledge that through is by definition associated with things that are down and below, a much more appropriate connection to something being bad. See there you have it, we’ve done it, we’ve broken the system and all I can say is, you’re welcome.
‘Mate I’ve got a 9am tomorrow,’... ‘ah mate that’s so trough
by Haroldphiliplovespom November 13, 2019
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when you rate something highly and its sick, opposite of peak
"imagine being called Sluthi, that's bare trough fam"
by d minor March 13, 2020
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