the overgrowth of unwanted facial hair between the eyebrows.
also called mono brow.
Jerry has a unibrow.
by steven July 28, 2003
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When you are eating a girl out and yoir unibrow tickles her butthole.
Eww....are you unibrowing me?

Yea, Bastion. In fact, I kinda like it.
by elgatopicante April 23, 2019
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AKA monobrow is when both eyesbrows join in the centre to form one massive eyebrow which is very unattractive and ewwwwwwwwwwwww
"dude your unibrow is a major turn off get it waxed asap"
by Jose Mansilla (so bored) February 7, 2007
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A caterpillar-like growth caused by two eyebrows growing into each together.

This was done by Unistatburns.
by Joseph Fretias November 20, 2003
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growth of eyebrows such that it creates one long brow instead of two, seen often in cavemen and idiots.
look at that kid Lorenzo, he has a unibrow.
by Deadpool April 12, 2003
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Unsightly growth extension of the eyebrow, forming what appears to be a single eyebrow which extends beyond the normal eyebrow range. Used in conjunction with Liphair (see description) by male members of Middle-eastern countries to determine whether a female of same origin is of consentual age.
Akbar, my good friend..Look at the unibrow and liphair on that fine Afghani woman. Indeed she is the most beautiful hairy mass I have laid my eyes upon.
by Josh January 3, 2004
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