Version of the term trisexual/trisexuality.

To be sexually attracted to/involved with men, women, and animals (not necessarily all at one time & place, but the more the better.)

Comes from the idea of there being three wheels on a tricycle, one for each origin of lover.

Typically occurs during freak nasty orgies and barnyard hoedowns.

Very popular amongst teens in Oklahoma and surrounding areas.
girl: so...are you tricycle?

boy: uh, what is that?

girl: oh silly, it's like being bisexual + beastiality! meow...
by h*dog October 26, 2006
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to be a third (or fifth, or seventh...) wheel in a group, acting as a third wheel.
"Hey, you want to hang out?"
"Nah, I'll let you and Haley hang out alone, I'd just be too tricycle."

Man, whenever Joe hangs out with us, he's always the tricycle in the group.
by PurplenWhite May 15, 2009
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A type of vehicle with three wheels, Tricycles can either be powered by an engine (motortrike) or by pedals. A tricycle can have two wheels at the back and one at the front (frog) or two wheels at the front and one at the back (tadpole).
Pedal tricycles can either be upright much like a common bicycle or can be recumbent. Most upright tricycles tend to have have two wheels at the back (frog) where as the recumbent variety more commonly have two wheels at the front (tadpole).
I am going to ride my tricycle.
by 'Bent Triker March 28, 2005
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A boygirl/ladyman etc. and has a variation between two penises, two vaginas, or one penis and a vagina.
I banged that tricycle last night in her vagina and sucked her dick at the same time.
by Cory Schell January 30, 2009
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The spot between your legs, also know as shaft and glans.
I have two tricycles
by Nathanaial August 14, 2008
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Slang term for a threesome. More specifically, one guy and two girls.
I'm going to ride the tricycle tonight with Jessica and Amber.
by Ajc812 May 7, 2008
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