Wow Janice, your shirt is SO thin!

by LRo November 28, 2007
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Exaggerist, you are wrong. Guys actually like girls who are confident about themselves and aren't anorexic. I know plenty of guys who think that thin girls are ugly because thin girls have no curves or confidence.

P.S. Yes I'm a girl.
All these girls with eating disorders think that being thin is the thing to go. They think it's what guys want. But guys actually don't like thin girl because they look ugly and sick.
by ugh seriously? April 9, 2007
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"Hey Brady you got any of that thin wit ya??"
by Jacklyn B. January 26, 2008
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Synonym for basic. A person who is shallow with no personality.
by Not thin...phat February 15, 2015
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Dude, can you grab me a thin, i don't wanna get this chick pregnant.
by Cubano Pancho April 28, 2005
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Used to describe something bad that's happened. The opposite of saying 'Fat' meaning good.
"Dave got sacked for smoking draw at work"

by Dicky Brown November 16, 2007
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