A Reverse Michael Jackson is the act of a white man moon walking and doing a 540 spin and pelvis thrusting their erect penis in to a bent over female's anus and yelling "HEEHEE" and afterwards swiftly pulling out thus having a poo covered dick and doing the thriller dance while walking away.
Josh: Hey dude, guess what?
Alec: yeah?
Josh: last night my girl and I were jamming Michael Jacksons number one so when we were about to do doggy I surprised her with a Reverse Michael Jackson!
Alec: yes! that's my favorite!
by Shmingy January 30, 2014
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I worked at a Christian camp last summer and walked in on tinny giving father Mick O'hoolihan getting the reverse Michael Jackson
by The_crack_baby February 12, 2022
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Bob: "I heard you and your new girlfriend last night. What in the Hell were you doing?"
Bill: "Oh you know, The Reverse Michael Jackson."
Bob: ?????
Bill: "Sex, Bob. With my adult wife."
by KickingDixon May 27, 2018
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Like a reverse michael jackson, but instead of a white man transitioning into a black man, it's mild, so instead it's a transition to something like a brown man
Person 1- Hey man did you see William last week? His skins all brown now!
Person 2- Yeah man he got a mild reverse michael jackson
by yoyledoyle July 19, 2018
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When a very light skinned person artificially darkens their skin to the point where you'd think they are black.
"Have you ever compared 2010 Ariana Grande to present day Ariana Grande?"
"Yeah, she pulled a Reverse Michael Jackson."
by the_musician_20 September 7, 2020
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When very light skinned people artificially darken their skin to the point where you can't tell what their original skin colour was.
"Have you ever compared 2010 Ariana Grande to 2020 Ariana Grande?"
"Yeah, she did a Reverse Michael Jackson."
by the_musician_20 September 7, 2020
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The rare occurance of black "people" turning white.
Doctor: "I have terrible news, Mrs. Shyqueesha. Your child has been diagnosed with Reverse Micheal Jackson Syndrome.
Shyqueesha: "yo vro, da fuck is dat noize?"
Doctor: "well... lets just say, he will never steal again.
by GoodOldNO_NAME August 26, 2017
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