When a woman is on her period. She then queef's leaving a Mist or Splatter in the surrounding area.
"I am on period. Don't make me red mist you"
"Dude!, I made this queef last night. I got red mist all on my face."
by Elmoxe November 23, 2011
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a phenomenon that occurs in the period following somebodys anger begiining to subside. A persons anger leads to a condition known as 'the blood being up'. At a later point, when the blood settles again, it descends in a fine red mist. the quantity of blood will depend on the number of people whose blood was up. this phenomenon is often confused with the aurora borealis. i.e. on a tuesday night after a championship match the previous sunday, it is most common.
jeez, whats up with Tommy Pat?
Ah, thats just the red mist. things got a bit het up between him and Mikeen Joe earlier.
by Dex18 September 8, 2010
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when a woman, while on her period, queefs. This ejects a red mist, sometimes onto the face of a sexual partner.
John: How was your time with Sherry last night?
Bob: Amazing! I've never tasted such great red mist before!
by Lilgav April 21, 2011
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What is left of a human after an encounter with an extremely powerful destructive force (a doomsday device, the RYNO gun, the wrathful glare of a woman scorned).
You should've seen Marsha's face when she caught Bobby with her sister. If looks could kill, Bobby and the sister would both be fine red mist.
by hymnal September 24, 2009
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Red mist is an lost episode of Spongebob Squarepants that has Squidward in it. The story of it is that Squidward is playing his claranet in his house but Spongebob is being a little baby so Squidward says "spongebob sHUT YOUR MOUTH!!" Spongebob then crys like a little turd. There is a knock on the and Squidward goes and answers it. This random scottish fish says "the red mist is coming. Later on that day Squidward is on the big stage and starts playing an ungodly song if you could even call it that. Everyone is totally pissed off because they paid good money to see him but it sounds like mr.krabs taking a giant crap. "THIS IS UTTER RUBBISH" the crowd shouts including Spongebob and Patrick. All they're eyes turn red and Squidward is really sad becuase everybody hates him now. He sits on his bed and cries like a baby and in the backround a wind sound can be heard. Then a image of Squidward with red eyes comes on the screen and he shoots himself.
Some guy: bro have you watched red mist on youtube?
His bro: nah whats that?
Some guy: its that goofy thing where Squidward goes insane.
His bro: oh yeah that was stupid.
by That red line on Youtube July 29, 2023
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to show anger in an extreme form. The creepypasta, squidwards suicide.
by selfsucking528 May 4, 2022
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