to be the orries. When something is fucking sick and/or amazing.

Similarly , if something is terrible or unfair it may be termed the dog orries , otherwise known as the dorries.
dude , rate these jeans?

Um yes bro ? They are the absolute orries.


so jenny said she doesnt wana have a threesome with me and her mum .

Unlucky man thats the dorries
by cutestguy April 19, 2011
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1. A narcissist that loves everyone
2. A paradox
3. Patrick Swayze's character in "North and South"
1. "That guy is so into himself." "Yeah, but he just gave that homeless guy a car." "What an Orry."
2. "Can anyone give me an example of an orry?"
"Something that is nothing?" "Correct."
3. "Orry was a beast in that mini-series, but it took FOREVAR!"
by Massachef September 7, 2009
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A: The russian word for thief.
B: An Orry is a male who had to do atleast 5 classes over.
A: Dude, that guy just stole my bike.
That Orry!

B: He is 20 and still in the 3rth grade?
Yeah, he's an Orry
by I love Windows ... Not March 30, 2009
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Popular word of the Ebit Eww language. Means "Sorry Dude" Used as an apology when you don't mean it and want to be immature.

Pronouced: (OR-E EW-DA)
Josh: "your a zitbag!!"
Zach: "Oh fuck that was rude."
Josh: " Orry eude."
Zach: "Oh your mature."
Josh: "I iddint een eww eude i orry"
Zach: "Ebit Eww is gay."
by rogthedodge January 25, 2010
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A well-known concept in Europe used for those who have a mental disability or have lost their sanity. This can easily be detected due to their distinct and child-like behaviour.
Person 1: Hey, that guy over there has been acting really strange and behaves like a retard. What's wrong with him?
Person 2: He probably has El Orri.
Person 2: Ah, that makes sense.
by Siggi Sixpack March 13, 2020
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Naeemah Orrie is a very wonderful ,beautiful, amazing girl
Her name is pronounced Naa'eemah
Naeemah Orrie's really have a lot of friends and are very attractive
They like cussing a lot!, Never break her heart or use her cause you gonna die
Guy 1:Damn, remember that girl named Naeemah Orrie
Guy 2:Oh yes you broke her heart once and now look at her
Guy 1: And I know she won't forgive me, like look at her
by Brikana December 5, 2021
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