A restriction for anal sex invented by director Kevin Smith. When the penis is longer than 6 inches, you can demand that it is only inserted 1/3 the way in.
His cock was so long that she demanded the one third rule!
by JohnnyFlash71 October 15, 2010
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The understood rule that unless you are handicapped and cannot walk, you never take the elevator when only going one floor up or down. Failure to comply by this rule results in wasted time for all other elevator passengers, and will undoubtedly lead to death stares and possible bodily harm to said offender.
I was late for my big meeting because some idiot was too lazy to take the stairs and decided to break the one floor rule.
by Father MacKenzie February 23, 2010
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if you have even a "drop" of blood from a race, it makes you partially that race.
"Dude you cant say the n-word your not black."
"One drop rule nigga im a quarter black!"
by enlightend 1 December 13, 2007
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When a person is Snapchatting either a guy or girl they like, they must wait at least one minute to open the Snapchat from the person they’re talking to to avoid seeming like they’re extremely into them or almost creepy.
“Oh my god, I opened Xander’s Snapchat like two seconds after he sent it. He’s going to think I’m obsessed with him.”

“You should’ve used the one minute rule Hannah.”
by hbot47 November 8, 2019
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The annoying rule applying to Cougar Village, an on-campus student housing facility at the University of Houston, that says you can only use your Cougar ID to go to ONE FLOOR of the building, the floor you live on, and no other floor.

The elevators have magnetic strips where you have to swipe your ID in order to use the elevator. Sort of an overly-bureacratic security measure type thing.
(Two people get into an evelator at Cougar Village and one guy swipes his card to go the third floor.)

Guy 2: Hey man can you hit 6 for me?

Guy 1: One-floor rule bra, sorry. I live on 3.

Guy 2: Man, fuck that.
by FuctButSects October 24, 2010
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a cinematic axiom defining classy, "artistic" nudity; Hollywood nudity is typified by exploitative close-ups and medium shots that both light and frame titties for the clearest view possible of the entire upper torso; art cinema, conversely, tends to abide by the one-titty rule, by which, through either framing, lighting, or, staging, or some combination of the three, only one nipple is visible at a time.
Sure David Cronenberg's "Crash" is possibly the most sexually explicit movie of the notorious pervert's career, but the Canadian master is careful throughout to observe the one-titty rule.
by Gustave Meissenschein December 2, 2013
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Amy: But he (the Doctor) was dead.
River: Who told you that?
Amy: He did.
River: Rule one: the Doctor lies.

River: He said no one could save him. But he must have known I could.
The Doctor: Rule one: the Doctor lies.

River: Okay. I'm going to tell you what I probably shouldn't. The Doctor's last secret. Don't you want to know what he whispered in my ear?
Amy: He whispered his name.
River: Not his name, no.
Amy: Yeah it was. He said it was.
River: Rule one?
Amy: The Doctor lies.
by atalienay October 13, 2011
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