Dez is a nice guy who likes to get on your nerves. He's annoying, but he's the funniest person you know. He has a really nice smile, and he's so hot. He makes friends easily, and he's really likeable. He has a huge penis and he's a great kisser. He's a flirt and he knows how to make any girl smile. He gets all the girls and is extremely loyal. He sets most of the trends and everyone likes him.
Girl 1 "Dez is definitely the cutest guy I know"

Girl 2 "For sure!
by Joemama21 January 30, 2020
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One of NYC's greatest graffiti legends. Now known as "DJ Kay Slay". Now.. this is when he was dope, he has obviusly sold out now to the top 40 rap culture, but before all that he was a true subway crusher. He was in the legendary movie "Style Wars" 1982. A legend, and a hero. Peace
Damn... I give my props to all that cats on Style wars, Skeme, Dez, Trap, Revolt, Zephyr, Min One, Dondi, Shy 147, Iz, Cap, etc, they are all legends and should never be forgotten.
by Hamydeez April 16, 2004
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The cutest person ever he is sweet and he’s funny as fuck and he’s the best boyfriend anyone could have
Ex/ he’s so nice ... that’s a dez!
by Sksk129923 February 25, 2019
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green M&Ms don't like green M&Ms Dez
by Tia and Gabby December 21, 2003
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a name you give someone if they're dog water at cod.
Yo, is your name Dez? Because you're playing free, no yap.
by mfisspedd February 11, 2021
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Dez means “child of god” and it represents a wonderful person. People who have this name have the tendency to be curious and happy. Dez is a nickname for many other names too.
Hello, my nickname is Dez.
by Nickname Meanings February 17, 2019
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Dez is a word that defines a ownig dota player. you'll know when u meet a Dez. 'cuse the line "beyonde godlike" is shown once every minute... Dez = an godlike player.
omg, we don't stand a chance, they have an Dez.
by Sören November 25, 2006
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