to steal or engage in an act of thievery.

synonym of jack
"oooh hell no! Please don't tell me you teefed the box of fruit roll-ups i was hiding ?!"
by jigsawed July 12, 2008
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When the grill be jacked. Similar to that of the snaggle tooth, however teefe can be used when referring to any teeth that appear gangly
Damn playa how u gonna step to shelia with dem teefe
by Snowbabyk September 23, 2019
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Dutch for bitch

commonly used to insult females
sometimes placed behind other words such as kanker or klote
1: Mijn vriendin gaat vreemd, de smerige teef.

meaning: My girl cheats on me, the bitch
by kees flodder May 7, 2008
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Orkish for 'teeth'. Used as a form of currency among the greenskins. 'Toof' is the singular form, but not as often used.

2. Dis 'ere dakka deffgun cos' ya many 'a teef!
by MushrooMars February 29, 2012
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A word used in Dutch to insult people, it has the same negative meaning as bitch in English, but then translated to Dutch. It also has the meaning of a female dog.
Jij vuile teef ... = You Dirty bitch ...
Onze teef is zwanger = Our dog is pregnant
by TiMMeR February 25, 2006
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The word Teef refers to a persons big fat Gnashers or Dentures, normally the two biggest front teeth, also known as tombstones are targeted. If someone says you have big teef, it can be very insulting if used in a good sentence. Normally you would insult the largeness or goofyness of someones teef. Also see teefy weefy.
Dan: "Look at your big hairy teef Chris!"
Ian: "Chris has teefy tombstones"
Chris: "I may have big gappy teef, but you two have beaver gnashers"
by King Dan January 14, 2007
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