A term used by the poorly educated underclass of Britain to cause offense, although its difficult to imagine quite which part of 'your mum' you're supposed to 'suck'.
Oi! What you chattin shit about? Go suck your mum!
by Nanna_MoOn August 2, 2008
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An expression most twelve year old boys use as a way to express their insecurities to others
Johnny Jackson: oi mate, mans asking for a rubber, you get what I'm saying bruh?
Billie boi: Nah, that ain't what I'm about fam, go suck your mum
by The sponge who soaks October 6, 2018
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basically means shut up and fuck off u cunt

i bet ur mums a slag
person 1: ewwww

person 2: shut the fuck up go suck your mum man your breath stinks
by m4ds December 11, 2022
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A phrase used to enforce the opposition to suck their mum.
Suck your mum
by Oklkooko November 24, 2021
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suck your mum yay
your being rude well suck your mum
by Faithyyyyyyyyyy April 12, 2021
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suck your mum is a term used to offend somebod. It is mainly used by uneducated British citizens who have limited vocabulary and don not have any other way of expressing their upset or annoyance.
Person 1: suck your mum you reject child
Person 2: If you want to gwarn talk to me like that we'll settle this ting outisde

by k7.stackz April 28, 2020
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its a insult used buy chavs, road men and 12 year olds
Road man 1 : Oi mandem you been chatting shit bout me
Road man 2 : suck your mum bruv ill shank you up ting
by dingdongthewickedwitchisdead October 5, 2020
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