A show about singing and crying. Also everyone is gay
Steven Universe is gay.
by Tigerfrik November 17, 2017
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A sad show about a neckless half-human, half space rock that has a dead mom. oh yeah and theres also gay space rocks and three angry but big gay space rocks called the Diamonds
Karen: Steven Universe is for kids

Amy: I cried for five hours when it ended
by GaySpaceRock0w0 October 6, 2020
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A show of plump characters, Thin characters, And plump... and thin at the same time characters...? The show follows 4 Gems, One of which is half human half Gem, Known as the Crystal Gems, It's a good show, And has good animation and story, It's depressing and funny.
I love Steven Universe!
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Steven Universe is a TV show about 3 aliens called gems and Steven, the main character. Steven is the only human/gem hybrid in the show, and he inherits his mother’s shield, bubble, sword and lion. His mother was a gem and his father, Greg, is a human. Since gems don’t usuallly give birth and instead burst out of the ground, Rose (Steven’s mother) had to sacrifice her physical form to give birth to Steven. Steven and the three gems (garnet, pearl and amethyst) are known as the crystal gems and are constantly fighting gem mutants, corrupted gems and gems from their homeworld. They fight gems from their homeworld because they are rebels. Some episodes have morals, however most episodes are simply meant for entertainment.
Did you watch Steven Universe? I think it it a decent show.
by OnlineVideogameDefenitions April 21, 2018
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The best tv series with one of the absolute worst fanbases there is.

When you become part of the fan base, you will most likely start shipping the characters, squeal whenever someone mentions it, become a peridot addict, a Garnet addict and lots of other fatal stuff.

The fan base has to be up there with undertale, five nights at freddy's, overwatch and lots of other things with shit fanbases that I somehow managed to drag myself into.

Sene help. Please.
Don't go into the steven universe fanbase because you will NEVER be able to get back out.
by NibbaHotCheetos February 17, 2020
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Timmy: hey, i'm watching steven universe
Nicki: grl, i don't like that gay space rocks show, periodt bitch
by dojacatnotofficiallol April 30, 2020
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