1- A square and a circle combined into a single shape.

2- A sub group of Squangle which denotes the person being described as random, and rather attractive.
Dude, that squicle is hot...
by Bitchieygurl13 July 9, 2004
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something that is so Squircleicious and precious that it cannot be explained.
Runs in straight sided circles and round-cornered squares
Our baby dog born 1997, died 01/01/2005
by Mat Lynham January 2, 2005
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it is a combonation of a square and a circle. in other words it is a square with round edges.
my pool is the shape of a squircle
by rachel e. October 10, 2007
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a mythical shape resebling both a square and a circle. Much like the mythical unicorn of the animal kingdom. A squircle has never been seen and all drawings are only
invalid interpretations.
will is so non-squircular...he should fuck off and stop using this word
by dave July 3, 2003
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1. The result of an attempt at drawing a circle with just a pencil.

2. A mythical shape that resembles both a square and a circle at exactly the same time. This is both impossible and extremly stressful to attempt to draw. It is much like drawing a four-sided triangle.
1. "Dude, use this compass else you'll end up drawing squircles again."

2. Stupid Idiot: "Ive done it! Ive drawn the mythical squircle!"

Friend of stupid idiot: "No, thats yet another square with rounded edges."
by kikumbob October 10, 2005
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A wonky kind of shape. Usually peculiar. Often spotted when drunk, particularly in the Dutch region of Europe.
Oooh, look at all those Hollandish people, wandering around in peculiar squircles!!
by Harrysmum February 4, 2010
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