1. To do what another party wishes to do; especially a significant other.
2. To be carefree and lighthearted about how one spends their time.
Verb: To squag

Well honey, you seem to want to do that, so I'll just squag.

I think we should just stay home and squag tonight.
by N Fisher July 6, 2005
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A squad of people trying to be frogs.
Person A: Dude, wanna join my squag?
Person B: Yeah! I've got my frog hoodie on already!
by Kill A Baby Please April 22, 2020
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Another name for a cigarette. almost like square, but a little less obvious of a nickname. It is mostly used among teens in Illinois (atleast in the Chicago-land area?)
Dude, i just totally lit up some squags before volleyball practice. Can you smell it?
by Hella Smokes February 20, 2009
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1. the butt of the choir teacher from Williams high school

2. A massive erection that supasses jet planes because of the choir teachers butt.
1. I wish I could burry my face in that squag!

2. Dang I wish my squag would go down, it's starting to hurt!
by Explosive tip November 21, 2010
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A website that helps people with gaming and sports.
Squag Helps with people that are stuck in gaming problems.
by meman78 September 3, 2007
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A sort of walk in which one points the pinkie toes upward. Much like a strut combined with a motor deficiency.
BRO! You have got one squag of a SQUAGGA-SWAGGA!
by ogphil February 16, 2011
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noun- a person with big tits. Who is awful at nazi zombies.
eg- Your a dirt squage! you cunt!
by theaman February 14, 2011
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