Greatest game not released yet. Developed by Maxis and already is in the final stretch of production. 6 modes of play too.
Spore: greatest game not yet released.
by Qualanx May 13, 2006
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a slang term and/or kind of edible mushroom that will make you high as fuck!
Me and frank were in his house last night and were fucking smash man!!!

josh: really? what did the two of you use?

trey: we bought some spores from a guy behind the dumpster at the mini-mart, you gotta try this man!! it will fuck you up LOL
by TheVoidAndCorrupted August 27, 2015
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Stupid People On REntal Skis. Skiing term for clueless beginners
"The trail was blocked by a pack of spores"
by skea May 23, 2005
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This word stands for >> stupid people on rental equipment. It was made after many many stupid manouvers.
Look at that stupid spore heading towards the open water on his snowmobile.

There are seven of the spores on one machine.
by Permafrost November 4, 2004
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Made famous by "MADE". It abreviates: Stupid Person On Rental Equiptment. Most commonly used when skiing/boarding.
"Theres a dirrerence between snowboarding and being a snowboarder. You don't want to be a SPORE do you?" "No" "Do you know what a SPORE is?" "No" "A Stupid Person On Rental Equiptment" "Oh".
by Occasional_contributor June 28, 2010
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EA's biggest disappointment since The Sims.

Spore was made out to be a huge, ground breaking game. But sadly, all the fun of the game is in the creature creator which can be downloaded for free.
Ol' Chap #1: Check out this thing I made in Spore.

Ol' Chap #2: Cool. How does it play?

Ol' Chap #1: I dunno, I don't care enough to play with it. But it looks cool.
by damawesome February 17, 2009
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