A spooning orgy; a line of people spooning at a party. There must be at least three people for a sporgy to legitimately take place. There is not necessarily any sexual connotation to a sporgy.

Can be used as a noun or verb.
Hey, Nandini, you want to come join our sporgy? It's uber amazing.


Remember that night we sporgied with Jessica and Stefanie? It was quite the experience.
by obnoxious October 23, 2008
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To be spanked by many people at once, a spanking orgy if you will. Can be for good or bad
"If you dont shut up i'll pull this car over and we'll have a sporgy!"
by evolsoulx March 15, 2005
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(n) Since the release of the much-anticipated game, Spore, many have played for hours on end, neglecting other activities. A gathering of such players (in a dorm room, computer lab, etc.) is a Sporgy.
(pl: Sporgies)
dorm guy one: "Hey man, you're late for class."
dorm guy two: "I can't leave now, i just hit tribal stage! Besides, I have to evolve faster than the six other guys on the floor who are playing."
dorm guy one: "This floor has turned into one big Sporgy."
by HeyJude September 19, 2008
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to have an uncontrolably random and spontanious amazing orgy with the group of people around you
man saturday nite we had a huge sporgy at Ians
by Kojo February 27, 2007
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the spores that escape during a fantastically wet gore-tex infested orgy on a snowbank
we had a sporgy in the snow storm last night
by Maligator April 14, 2007
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An orgy that occurs in outer space.
My wife and I are excited to be attending our first sporgy this Friday.
by BeccaJean April 8, 2022
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Spoons everywhere all out and going in different directions with random powders on them
“Bro, we just had a sporgy and I’m so lit
by Wizardry369 January 1, 2023
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